National Drop Everything And Read ( DEAR) Day at Dolphins International school Namugongo

“Basic education is not a priority in the learning processes of Uganda.
Currently the emphasis is to make learners cram and pass exams but I have not seen any emphasis on reading, basic literacy. You have heard that every region must start teaching children in their own languages, this is a good thing as long as children know how to read in their local languages, it enhances their way of understanding and learning. UPE is a good program but the majority of pupils in this program don’t know how to read, this is not about the primary one, even primary six cannot read.

As Rotary Club of Kampala North, we have come up with the program called Basic Education literacy Enhancement Program (BELEP) and we think we can use this project to push for basic education. We believe we can make reading a way of life. To see children read as well as children seeing adults read and if it’s repetitive, our children will adopt the culture of reading. There is no knowledge that you can think of without reading,” Dr Isaac Okullo.